Robert Mitchell Images

Landscape Photography

Glen Fenzie .jpg Shafts of HazeThumbnailsLinn of Dee, Cairngorms Shafts of HazeThumbnailsLinn of Dee, Cairngorms Shafts of HazeThumbnailsLinn of Dee, Cairngorms Shafts of HazeThumbnailsLinn of Dee, Cairngorms

All prints are produced using high quality photographic paper with a gloss finish for accurate colour reproduction and long lasting stability and visual appeal. Mounted prints include an 'off-white' mountboard adding 14cm to each dimension of the visible print (7cm to each side). Dimensions stated are approximate and include mount.

Small Landscape (tubed): 30cm x 20cm; Small Landscape (mounted): 40cm x 28cm
Large Landscape (tubed): 45cm x 30cm; Large Landscape (mounted): 60cm x 41cm
Small Portrait (tubed): 20cm x 30cm; Small Portrait (mounted): 28cm x 40cm
Large Portrait (tubed): 30cm x 45cm; Large Portrait (mounted): 41cm x 60cm
Panoramic (tubed): 45cm x 12cm; Panoramic (mounted): 60cm x 20cm

Prices include shipping rates for tubed (UK £4.99/World £9.99) and mounted (UK £4.99/World £19.99) prints.